Friday, July 3, 2009

The Half Way Move

I hate the half way move. (Logan would be mad at me if he knew I was using the word hate) I know that a lot of you have experienced it. It's when you are living some where, usually the parents basement, for a short time, but not long enough to justify unpacking everything you own. So you have a bunch of boxes in the storage and only the essentials are unpacked. It is a lot easier to unpack the essentials when you don't have a baby to unpack for. It seems like all of Layla's things are essentials. And being the unorganized packers that we are all of her stuff seems to be in different boxes. I am in my mother-in-law's basement everyday looking for something that is packed away. Today is the bottles, yesterday was the breast pump. Who knows what it will be tomorrow. I am counting down the weeks until we can move into our town house. I am greatful that we don't have to pay our mortgage and we are practically living for free. I guess that is why we tolerate the half way move.