So, I told myself not to worry about potty training Logan until he was 3 years old. Well his third birthday has come and gone. So a couple of weeks ago we started "The Process". Everyone told me to wait until he is ready, but as far as I am concerned Logan would be content to be in a diaper for the rest of his life. It doesn't bother him that I have to wiped his stinky butt everyday. He thinks it is hilarious! I'm over it... the butt wiping must end. So Logan does a pretty good job of going on the potty when we are inside our house, but I get the inside headache and have to go outside at least once a day. I have just been putting pull ups on Logan when we go out, but he treats them just like a diaper. I got brave one day and decided to run some errands with Logan and his underwear, instead of a pull up. He had three pee accidents in two hours. I only brought one change of clothes, luckily the last accident was at a store were we could purchase some new underwear. I am getting pretty tired of the potty process. Does any one have any words of wisdom for me?
Unfortunately, you just have to keep going. It sounds like you are doing everything right, but some kids just have a harder time with it than others. Miles really struggled for a long time, but eventually he got it. My only advice would be to keep going and be patient. He just needs time to get the hang of it. Good luck! You doing a great job!
good luck! Ave is attempting but since I can't get up much we aren't really making any headway :(
I am so sorry. That is so hard. Cole just made up his mind one day and that was it. Sometimes they are just so stubborn.
He will get it. He is such a cute kid. Good luck.
I have had Kawika potty trained for a while now, and he still has minor accidents so it happens. But when I was training him just taking him at every stop in every place no matter if he says he has to or not! Good Luck!! Dont turn back now though, just keep on going!!
I bought two samll pottys from Ikea, I take one with me in the car, before we get out of the car to go into a store I have him sit on it, and then I do the same thing before we go into the next store. We havent had any accidents.
In the begining I put him in his underwear and a T shirt that way it was easier for him to go potty and pull down his pants.{only in the house though.}
The first few times at the playground I brought his potty with me, about thrirty minutes in I had him go potty outside, so we didnt have to come inside to pee. Now he just tells me and we run home.
they say to do it all the way I would completely stop the pull ups, except for night time.Or for the first few weeks in nursery I did puta diaper on him. Now I just take him potty when we get ther and once more befor relief society.
Hope this helps! Once they are used to it, they do it themselves, Ryan has got it down now!
No advice from me but I will be coming to you for advice someday, I just wanted to say how much I love that picture of Logan.
this picture is priceless it fits potty training so well lol hahaa
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